Accountability & Justice in Washington, DC

You Deserve Answers To The What And The Why

No one files a lawsuit for unjust enrichment. It is not about the money. There is no way to bring back a loved one or reserve devastating injuries. Most families I talk to during that first call are clear – they need answers and they want to make sure this does not happen to anyone else in our community ever again.

Answers | Accountability | Justice

After an incident, families are often faced with life changing injuries or the loss of a loved one. They have many questions and either received inadequate or inaccurate answers, or worse yet—no explanation of what happened. Almost always, there is no honest accounting about WHY this happened.

You deserve the truth. You need to know what happened and why it occurred. You need facts and details. While a lawsuit cannot reverse the wrongs completely, it can force the wrongdoers to facts and give you the facts and provide to try to funds to try to balance the harms they caused so you can move forward.

You may also have worrisome questions about what to do now and what the future holds. We can help you get to the right people and find out about the resources that can help you cope with this loss and try to move forward in your life for both your family and your loved ones.

If you have these questions feel free to contact us at 202-335-0185 or contact us online. If we cannot help you, we will do our best to refer you to someone in our community who can.

Accountability in Washington D.C.

When a person or a company makes a choice that causes harm to someone in our community, we need to find out why that happened. Why did they make that choice and also how can we make certain it never happens again to anyone else in our community. This is one of our priorities in the cases that we take. We need to work together to make our community safer for everyone.

Corporations need to be held accountable for their actions and when their choices result in injuries or death to others the only way we can work to right this wrong is through our system of civil justice. We are honored to have worked with families for over 25 years to balance the harms and make sure the companies and hospitals implement new practices and educate their employees to make sure there are no repeats of these tragedies. This makes our community safer not only for families but also for the employees who work in our community.

Often during the resolution phase of the cases, we obtain personal apologizes for the harms and we also are given detailed information about changes the company has made in order to prevent future incidents.

Here are a few examples from cases we were directly involved in:

  • In a medical case recently, we worked with the D.C. Board of Medicine to make sure that the physician’s care was reviewed in depth by the Board.
  • At the end of many hearings, the physician’s license was revoked.
  • In another case, a doctor was fined and required to participate in specific additional Continuing Medical Education to make certain the error was never repeated.
  • In a case involving unsafe products that was tied to more than 8 deaths of children, we obtained a handwritten apology from the CEO for the parents as part of our settlement.
  • In a case involving a medical device, we worked with nationally known experts to publish the results and the conclusions in a nationally respected medical journal to make certain that all doctors are aware going forward of science so that no other patients are harmed.

For the families we represent, these changes are part of the healing process and this is an important goal of our work. If you have question or want more information please call 202-335-0185 or email the firm here to learn more.

Justice in Washington DC

Civil lawsuits seek compensation for victims and their families to balance the harms caused by wrongdoers. Often we also insist on apologies from the wrongdoers, as well as safety changes that are put in place to make sure this never happens again. We help families heal from these life altering incidents. Here are some examples of recent cases that we were involved in where the resolution involved not only compensation but other creative remedies that help our families heal and make our community safer:

In a recent case involving the death of a child from use of an unsafe product, as part of the resolution of the case, we obtained a heartfelt handwritten letter of apology to the parents from the wrongdoer.  The lengthy letter included details of what changes had been made to make sure that this never happen to another child in our community again.

In a case involving the dangerous practice of prescribing of large amounts of opiods to young patients, we called the Board of Physicians to report the incidents right away. The incidents included unexpected deaths of local patients. In addition to filing a lawsuit to balance our client’s harms, we worked tirelessly with the local government to make sure that the physician’s pattern of conduct was promptly and fully investigated. At the end of the hearings, the physician’s license was revoked. Our client testified at that hearing with me at her side. We both wanted to make sure this never happens again to anyone else in our community. The lawsuit was resolved shortly after the Board of Medicine made their decision.

One family lost their mother as a result of a medical error. She was left unattended and fell out of bed at a nursing home and broke her neck. The hospital initially tried to avoid taking responsibility for the case. The patient was elderly and at first the corporation seemed not to value her life or the family’s loss. It was very important to this family that the aide who failed to come forward and admit the errors be held accountable. We filed a lawsuit and made certain that the truth was revealed and that steps were taken at the facility to retrain the staff on fall precautions. Most importantly, we required the facility to implement training on full disclosure to families when errors and falls occur. The facility agreed to make this an annual training. Finally, we worked with a filmmaker to create a video of the family’s memories of their mother and the disrespectful way the institution dealt with the situation so that they could use that film in the training sessions.

If this is something that is important to you and your family as you seek to recover, please feel free to contact us online or by phone 202-335-0185.

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